Top 10 Reasons Why Startups Fail in India

Definition of Startup Failure

Startup Failure refers to the inability of a new business venture to achieve its goals and objectives, resulting in the cessation of operations. This can happen for a variety of reasons, such as a lack of funding, insufficient market demand, poor management, or a failure to scale effectively. In some cases, a startup may also be considered a failure if it is acquired or merged with another company but does not achieve the level of success or growth that was originally intended

what percentage of startups fail in India?

According to recent statistics, the failure rate of startups in India is quite high, with an estimated 90% of them failing within the first five years. This can be attributed to various factors such as lack of funding, poor business planning, fierce competition, and limited market opportunities. However, with the recent surge in technological advancements and government initiatives to promote entrepreneurship, the startup ecosystem in India is rapidly evolving, leading to a decrease in failure rates. Additionally, startups that focus on trending keywords such as sustainability, artificial intelligence, and e-commerce have a higher chance of success in the current market

what is the success rate of startups in India?

According to recent studies, the success rate of startups in India has increased significantly in recent years, with key factors including access to funding, government initiatives, and the emergence of innovative business models. However, challenges such as regulatory hurdles, lack of infrastructure, and intense competition remain significant barriers to success.

Importance of Understanding why Startups fail in India

Understanding why startups fail in India is crucial for both aspiring entrepreneurs and investors alike. By identifying the common reasons for failure, individuals and organizations can take steps to avoid making the same mistakes and increase the chances of success. For entrepreneurs, this means being able to identify potential risks and take steps to mitigate them. For investors, it means being able to make more informed decisions about where to invest their capital. Additionally, understanding the reasons for startup failure can also help policymakers and other stakeholders to create a more supportive ecosystem for new business ventures.

Moreover, by understanding the reasons behind startup failure in India, investors and entrepreneurs can work together to identify and address the root causes. For example, if the lack of funding is found to be a major reason for failure, both investors and entrepreneurs can work to create more opportunities for funding. Similarly, if infrastructural challenges are found to be a major issue, both investors and entrepreneurs can work to create more opportunities for infrastructure development.

understanding why startups fail in India is essential for the growth and development of the startup ecosystem in India. It can help entrepreneurs and investors to make better decisions, and policymakers to create a more supportive environment for new business ventures. Additionally, it can also help to reduce the risk of failure and increase the chances of success for startups in India.

Lack of Funding

One of the major reasons why startups fail in India is the lack of funding. Obtaining seed funding or early-stage funding can be difficult for many startups in India. This is due to a number of factors, such as a lack of a strong investor network, limited access to venture capital, and a lack of understanding of the startup ecosystem among traditional investors. This can make it difficult for startups to get the funding they need to get their business off the ground and achieve the scale necessary to be successful.

Difficulty in Obtaining Seed Funding

Obtaining seed funding can be a major challenge for startups in India. Seed funding is the initial capital that a startup requires to get its business off the ground and to achieve the scale necessary to be successful. However, in India, many startups find it difficult to secure this type of funding.

One reason for this is a lack of a strong investor network. In India, many investors are not well connected to the startup ecosystem and may not be aware of the opportunities available to them. This can make it difficult for startups to connect with the right investors and secure the funding they need.

Another reason is the limited access to venture capital. Many venture capitalists in India are not willing to invest in early-stage startups, preferring instead to wait until the startups have a proven track record of success and have reached a certain level of maturity.

Additionally, the reluctance of traditional investors to invest in startups can also make it difficult for startups to obtain seed funding. They are more comfortable investing in traditional industries, and may not fully understand the potential of the startup ecosystem.

In conclusion, obtaining seed funding can be a major challenge for startups in India due to the lack of a strong investor network, limited access to venture capital, and the reluctance of traditional investors to invest in startups. This can limit the ability of startups to get their businesses off the ground and achieve the scale necessary to be successful

Limited Access to Venture Capital

Limited access to venture capital is another major reason why startups fail in India. Many venture capitalists in India are not willing to invest in early-stage startups and prefer to wait until the startups have a proven track record of success and have reached a certain level of maturity. This lack of funding opportunities for early-stage startups can make it difficult for them to get their businesses off the ground and achieve the scale necessary to be successful.

The Reluctance of Traditional Investors to Invest in Startups

One of the major challenges that startups in India face when it comes to funding is the reluctance of traditional investors to invest in startups. Traditional investors, such as banks and wealthy individuals, may be more comfortable investing in established companies and industries that have a proven track record of success. They may not fully understand the potential of the startup ecosystem and the potential for high returns on investment.

Additionally, traditional investors may also be hesitant to invest in startups due to the perceived risks associated with investing in early-stage companies. Startups are considered high-risk investments as they may not have a proven track record of success and may not have the same level of stability and security as established companies.

the reluctance of traditional investors to invest in startups can make it difficult for startups to secure the funding they need to get their businesses off the ground and achieve the scale necessary to be successful. This can limit the growth and development of the startup ecosystem in India

Limited Market Potential

The limited market potential is another major reason for startup failure in India. The lack of a large domestic market and difficulty in scaling to global markets can make it difficult for startups to achieve the level of growth necessary for success. This can be due to factors such as lack of consumer demand, intense competition, or lack of access to international markets. This can make it difficult for startups to sustain their business and grow to the level that is needed to be successful

Lack of a Large Domestic Market

Another reason for startup failure in India is the lack of a large domestic market. India’s population is over 1.3 billion, but the purchasing power is concentrated in a small percentage of the population. This means that many startups struggle to find a large enough customer base to sustain their business. Additionally, the domestic market is highly competitive, with many established players and new entrants vying for a share of the market. This can make it difficult for startups to differentiate themselves and gain a foothold in the market. Furthermore, many startups in India are focused on the domestic market, and may not have the resources or expertise to expand into other markets. This can limit their potential for growth and ultimately lead to failure.

In short, the lack of a large domestic market can make it difficult for startups to find a sustainable customer base and make it challenging to differentiate themselves from the competition, which can ultimately lead to failure

Difficulty in Scaling to Global Markets

Scaling to global markets can be a major challenge for startups in India. While India has a large domestic market, many startups find it difficult to expand beyond this market and reach a global audience. This can be due to a number of factors, such as limited access to resources, lack of international connections, and lack of understanding of foreign markets.

For instance, startups may lack the resources and expertise necessary to navigate the complex regulations and laws of foreign markets. They may also struggle to establish a strong distribution network or to find the right partners to help them scale. Additionally, startups may not fully understand the cultural and consumer preferences of foreign markets, 

Infrastructural Challenges

Infrastructural challenges can be a major hindrance to the success of startups in India. Access to reliable power and the internet is crucial for the functioning of many businesses, but in many parts of India, these services are not consistently available or are prone to frequent outages. This can make it difficult for startups to operate and can limit their ability to scale their operations.

Another infrastructural challenge in India is the limited access to skilled labor. The lack of a well-developed education system and vocational training programs in many parts of the country can make it difficult for startups to find the skilled workers they need to grow their businesses.

Additionally, inadequate transportation infrastructure can also be a hindrance for startups to reach their customers and suppliers effectively.

Infrastructural challenges such as lack of reliable power and internet, limited access to skilled labor, and inadequate transportation infrastructure can be major hindrances for startups in India to operate and scale their business. Addressing these infrastructural challenges is crucial for fostering a supportive ecosystem for startups in India

How many Startups Survive after 5 years?

According to recent studies, the startup success rate after 5 years is around 50%. This is due to several factors, including lack of funding, poor market fit, and inexperienced management teams. However, with the rise of emerging technologies like artificial intelligence, machine learning, and blockchain, startups have more opportunities to innovate and succeed in today’s market. Additionally, the pandemic has accelerated digital transformation, providing a boost to startups that offer remote collaboration tools, online shopping platforms, and telemedicine services. With the right combination of technology, market research, and funding, startups can increase their chances of survival and thrive in the ever-evolving business landscape.


Startup failure is a common issue in India, and understanding the reasons why startups fail is essential for both aspiring entrepreneurs and investors. Lack of funding, limited market potential, infrastructural challenges, bureaucratic barriers, and cultural factors are some of the major reasons why startups fail in India. Obtaining seed funding can be a major challenge for startups in India due to the lack of a strong investor network, limited access to venture capital, and the reluctance of traditional investors to invest in startups.

Infrastructural challenges such as lack of reliable power and internet, limited access to skilled labor, and inadequate transportation infrastructure can be major hindrances for the startups in India to operate and scale their business. Addressing these infrastructural challenges is crucial for fostering a supportive ecosystem for startups in India. Understanding why startups fail in India can help entrepreneurs and investors to make better decisions, and policymakers to create a more supportive environment for new business ventures. Additionally, it can also help to reduce the risk of failure and increase the chances of success for startups in India

Founder & CEO at Setup Mastery | Website

Sunjjoy Chaudhri Has Been an Entrepreneur Since the Age Of 23, Sunjjoy Chaudhri is a Founder of Setup Mastery, Fxpopsan Exchangers and Malgangas Consultancy. Sunjjoy Chaudhri is a Highly Accomplished and renowned business consultant based in Pune. With an Impressive track Record and a Wealth of Experience, Sunjjoy has Established himself as one of the best Business Consultants in the Region

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